At last!
Let me rephrase that.
At long bloody last!
Yes the gin is flowing, orders are being filled and folk are enjoying Blackwater No.5 Gin.
The first gin hit the shops on Friday, but we were too knackered to party. Remember we don’t just make the gin here, we bottle and label it on site. Then we box it and load it and ship it – and that’s before the quality control testing comes in. Then the accounts need to be done, more botanicals ordered, fresh corks sourced and a million other little things tweaked, knocked, shifted and kicked. Like our label machine.

If you have #1 batch the label won’t be quite aligned with magnetic north, that’s because our Italian label machine came with instructions written by an Italian with the casual relationship with the English Language. It took a qualified engineer in a high viz jacket a day and a half to make sense of the diagrams, which were clearly drawn by the aforementioned Italian’s pet spider. Who had the shakes.
Either way we’re suckin’ diesel now and labels are straightish – as for the gin – well we really hope you enjoy it!